Our Client

Dausan Farm & Market is a family-owned agricultural business dedicated to providing fresh, locally sourced produce to their community. With a deep-rooted commitment to sustainability and quality, they sought to establish a brand identity that reflected their values while capturing the attention of their target audience.

The quality of your brand will determine the quality of your client.

The Brief

Dausan Farm & Market approached us with a clear need: they required a comprehensive brand identity that would effectively communicate their ethos and offerings to consumers. They aimed to differentiate themselves in a competitive market by highlighting their commitment to sustainability, freshness, and community engagement.

The Solution

Drawing inspiration from the rustic charm of farm life and the vibrancy of fresh produce markets, we crafted a visual identity that captured the essence of Dausan Farm & Market. The logo featured a stylized representation of a farmstead, symbolizing the brand’s origins and authenticity. Earthy tones and organic textures were incorporated throughout the branding materials to evoke a sense of natural beauty and wholesome goodness.

The Tembelong

Brand Identity Design


Brand Identity Design


Brand Identity Design


Brand Identity Design

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