The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

Anyone here seen this movie The Bronx Tale…?

If you haven’t seen it, you download it and watch it.. Amazing story!

Let me quickly introduce you to Kagiso.

I recently met Kagiso and quickly learned that this guy had some major talents.

Kagiso knew the art of massage like the back of his hand and could teach it with his eyes closed!

Kagiso didn’t have an easy past, he went through hell but the amazing thing about Kagiso was that he kept going.

If I was in Kagiso shoes, I’m not sure how I’d get back on my feet

But Kagiso did… BIG shout out MAN for staying strong…

BUT Kagiso now has a new problem…

While taking some time off to build himself back up, the landscape has changed for Kagiso

All these ” wannabe gurus” started surfacing everywhere and began ruining it for everyone…

Now everyone is so skeptical, none of us know who to believe anymore

Kagiso’s expertise is a lot harder to market now because the competition is so cut throat…

What’s Kagiso going to do to differentiate himself from everyone else that does what he does?

How’s Kagiso going to position himself in his market?

He doesn’t even have a logo, a website, NOTHING…

It’s like Kagiso doesn’t even exist…

Kagiso has ideas and talents but no one is going to buy because no one know who Kagiso is!

The point is this…

Time is not infinite.. I’m sure we’re realising that every second of the day.

The only shot Kagiso has is to realize his true talents and create a brand that showcases his authority, credibility and expertise, otherwise he’s going to be perceived as just another “wannabe guru” trying to make a quick coin…

I’m hoping Kagiso will be brave and do the foundational work that needs to be done to build the long lasting brand he wishes to build for his legacy.

If you’re stuck like Kagiso and looking for a framework that will help you build a solid brand and connect you with the people you truly want to help so that they trust you and buy from you, I have a solution, click HERE to send me a short message.